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German Love Card with 2 brown hands holding each other and a text that says Ich liebe uns
German Congratulations Card with 2 hands holding each other and a text that says Hübsches Paar
German Good luck card with brown fingers crossed hand gesture and a text that says Viel Glück
German birthday card with 2 hands making heart shape with fingers and a text that says Geburtstagsliebe
German Good luck card with fingers crossed hand gesture and a text that says Viel Glück
German Greeting card with a perfect hand gesture and a text that says Perfekt
German housewarming card with a hand holding yellow plant basket with a text that says Pflanzen-Lady
German housewarming card with a hand holding a black flowerpot with a cactus in it and a text that says Neues Zuhause, neue Pflanzen
German christmas card with a hand holding red christmas tree ornament and a text in it that says Frohe Weihnachten
German christmas card with a hand holding red christmas tree ornament and a text in it that says Sei froh und munter!
German greeting card with gift wrapped earth on the palm of a brown hand with a text that says Friede auf Erden
German birthday card with two brown arms hugging with a text that says Eine große Geburtstagsumarmung für dich
German friendship card with a heart shaped earth on the palm of a hand with a text Du machst die Welt zu einem besseren Ort
German birthday card with a brown hand and a gesture of sign of the horns with a text that says Du rockst
German Birthday card with a hand holding a glass of wine and a text that says Prost! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Birthday card with two hands creating gesture of promise with little fingers and a text that says Wir werden nie erwachsen! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Friendship card with a hand holding a picket sign with a text in it that says Wir werden uns wiedersehen
German Friendship card with a hand holding a cell phone with a text in it that says Wenn du etwas brauchst, ruf mich an
German encouragement card with a hand and a gesture of sign of the horns with a text that says Halte durch
German friendship card with a hand holding a green tea cup and a text that says Einen kaffee und dich, mehr brauche ich nicht
German greeting card with a hand holding red heart and a text inside the heart that says Diese Karte soll dir helfen, dich besser zu fühlen x
German Friendship card with five different colored hands put on top of each other and a text that says Wir sitzen alle im selben Boot
German Friendship card with a hand with fingers crossed and a text that says Es werden bessere Zeiten kommen
German Sympathy card with a hand holding a red heart and text that says Ich sende dir Liebe und Kraft
German Thinking of you card with a hand holding red tulip and a text that says Ich denke an dich
German greeting card with two hands creating heart shape with fingers and a text that says Ich sende dir positive Vibes
German friendship card with a hand holding colorful flowers and a text that says Dankeschön
German greeting card with two arms hugging with a text of Diese Karte enthält eine riesige Umarmung
German congratulations card with a yellow and a brown hand clapping with a text that says Applaus für dich
German friendship card with a finger tied with a red string with a text that says Vergiss nicht, dass du nicht allein bist
German greeting card with earth on the palm of a hand with a text that says Du machst die Welt zu einem besseren Ort