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1179 products

French Get well card with two red band-aids forming a plus sign and a text that says Je vous souhaite un bon rétablissementFrench Get well card with two red band-aids forming a plus sign and a text that says Je vous souhaite un bon rétablissement  Edit alt text
French Love card with a red heart shape with a smiley face and a text that says Tu as mon cœurFrench Love card with a red heart shape with a smiley face and a text that says Tu as mon cœur  Edit alt text
French Birthday greeting card with a red heart shaped planet and a text that says Tu es extraordinaireFrench Birthday greeting card with a red heart shaped planet and a text that says Tu es extraordinaire
French Love card with a white clover with a smiley face and a text that says J’ai tellement de chance de t’avoirFrench Love card with a white clover with a smiley face and a text that says J’ai tellement de chance de t’avoir  Edit alt text
French Birthday greeting card with a red musical note and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire à ma moitiéFrench Birthday greeting card with a red musical note and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire à ma moitié  Edit alt text
French Everyday greeting card with a blue balloon with a smiley face and a text that says Bien joué !French Everyday greeting card with a blue balloon with a smiley face and a text that says Bien joué !
Je t’envoie beaucoup d’amour - Carte de voeuxJe t’envoie beaucoup d’amour - Carte de voeux
French everyday greeting card with a yellow sun, blue crescent moon, red star and pink planet and a text that says L’Univers te soutientFrench everyday greeting card with a yellow sun, blue crescent moon, red star and pink planet and a text that says L’Univers te soutient
German birthday card with a yellow leaf and colorful figures and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Sonnenschein
German friendship card with a red heart drawing and a string in it and a text that says Ich liebe dich
German new baby card with green leaf drawings and a little red leaf with yellow sun and a text that says Deine Familie wächst
German birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Liebling
German friendship card with green leaf and a yellow cat drawing on with a text that says Ich vermisse dich jeden Tag mehr und mehr
German thank you card with colorful figures and yellow sun and a text that says Ich könnte das nicht ohne dich tun
German birthday card with a yellow sun and green plants and colorful figures and a text that says Hab einen sonnigen Geburtstag
German friendship card with tangled string, heart shape string drawing and a text that says Alles wird gut
German birthday card with colorful shapes and figures and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag für dich
German housewarming card with a red house drawing and a green leaf and a text that says Neues Zuhause
German Birthday card with a heart shaped green leaf and a text that says Geburtstagsliebe
German birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a green leaf and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German thinking of you card with mountain drawings and a yellow sun and a text that says Ich bin immer bei dir, auch wenn wir weit voneinander entfernt sind
German birthday card with a green plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Ich bin so froh, dass es dich gibt
German love card with 2 face drawings and red lips kissing with a text that says Wahre Liebe
German thank you card with yellow and green leaf drawings and a text that says Danke für deine Unterstützung
German anniversary card with a green plant drawing and a yellow plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Wir werden uns wieder umarmen
German Love card with a flower drawing and a text that says Mit dir ist alles wunderschön
French housewarming card with a red leaf drawing and a green door drawing and a text that says Nouvelle maisonFrench housewarming card with a red leaf drawing and a green door drawing and a text that says Nouvelle maison
French friendship card with tangled string, heart shape string drawing and a text that says Tout ira pour le mieuxFrench friendship card with tangled string, heart shape string drawing and a text that says Tout ira pour le mieux
French housewarming card with a red house drawing and a green leaf and a text that says Nouvelle maisonFrench housewarming card with a red house drawing and a green leaf and a text that says Nouvelle maison
French thinking of you card with mountain drawings and a yellow sun and a text that says Loin des yeux, près du cœurFrench thinking of you card with mountain drawings and a yellow sun and a text that says Loin des yeux, près du cœur
French birthday card with a green plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Heureux anniversaireFrench birthday card with a green plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Heureux anniversaire
French love card with 2 face drawings and red lips kissing with a text that says Je t'aimeFrench love card with 2 face drawings and red lips kissing with a text that says Je t'aime
French thank you card with yellow and green leaf drawings and a text that says Merci pour ton soutienFrench thank you card with yellow and green leaf drawings and a text that says Merci pour ton soutien
French anniversary card with a green plant drawing and a yellow plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Joyeux anniversaireFrench anniversary card with a green plant drawing and a yellow plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire
French thank you card with colorful figures and yellow sun and a text that says Tout est possible grâce à toiFrench thank you card with colorful figures and yellow sun and a text that says Tout est possible grâce à toi
French birthday card with a yellow sun and green plants and colorful figures and a text that says Passe un bel anniversaire ensoleilléFrench birthday card with a yellow sun and green plants and colorful figures and a text that says Passe un bel anniversaire ensoleillé
French birthday card with a yellow leaf and colorful figures and a text that says Joyeux anniversaireFrench birthday card with a yellow leaf and colorful figures and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire
French birthday card with colorful shapes and figures and a text that says Heureux anniversaireFrench birthday card with colorful shapes and figures and a text that says Heureux anniversaire
French Birthday card with a heart shaped green leaf and a text that says Joyeux anniversaireFrench Birthday card with a heart shaped green leaf and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire
French birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a green leaf and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire mon cœurFrench birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a green leaf and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire mon cœur
French friendship card with a red heart drawing and a string in it and a text that says À l’amour de ma vieFrench friendship card with a red heart drawing and a string in it and a text that says À l’amour de ma vie
French new baby card with green leaf drawings and a little red leaf with yellow sun and a text that says Votre famille s’agranditFrench new baby card with green leaf drawings and a little red leaf with yellow sun and a text that says Votre famille s’agrandit
French thank you card with a green plant in a vase drawing and a red bottle drawing and a text that says MerciFrench thank you card with a green plant in a vase drawing and a red bottle drawing and a text that says Merci
French birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a text that says Joyeux anniversaireFrench birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a text that says Joyeux anniversaire
French friendship card with green leaf and a yellow cat drawing on with a text that says Tu me manques un peu plus chaque jourFrench friendship card with green leaf and a yellow cat drawing on with a text that says Tu me manques un peu plus chaque jour
French Love card with 2 face drawings and colorful shapes and a text that says Toi + MoiFrench Love card with 2 face drawings and colorful shapes and a text that says Toi + Moi
French Love card with a flower drawing and a text that says Avec toi, tout est plus beauFrench Love card with a flower drawing and a text that says Avec toi, tout est plus beau
Peace, Love & Joy - Christmas Card - Seasonal Greeting Card - Holiday CardPeace, Love & Joy - Christmas Card - Seasonal Greeting Card - Holiday Card
fathers day card with a black hand holding an ace of heart playing card with a text that says dad you’re acefathers day card with a black hand holding an ace of heart playing card with a text that says dad you’re ace  Edit alt text
christmas card with a text that says i love sharing love and life with you. May all your wishes come true this Christmas.May all your wishes come true this Christmas - Seasonal Greeting Card - Holiday Card