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German Cards

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German Birthday card with green plant, red and blue flowers and yellow sun with a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Birthday card with red,blue,yellow,green flowers in red,yellow,blue flowerpots with a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Birthday card with colorful leafs and a yellow sun figure with a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Birthday card with blue candle figures and yellow fire with a text that says Geburtstagswünsche
German Birthday card with a red ladder and blue stars and a text that says Mögen alle deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen
German thank you card with a green plant in a vase drawing and a red bottle drawing and a text that says Dankeschön
German Sympathy card with a hand holding a red heart and text that says Ich sende dir Liebe und Kraft
German christmas card with a hand holding red christmas tree ornament and a text in it that says Frohe Weihnachten
German Good luck card with fingers crossed hand gesture and a text that says Viel Glück
Sante, cheers, prost - Greeting card
Bonjour, hallo, ciao - Greeting card
German Birthday card with rainbow, red flower, pink,red,yellow,green,blue figures and a text that says Geburtstagsemotionen
German Love card with yellow sun, blue,red,green,yellow figures and a text thay says Lächle weiter
German Love card with red, blue, yellow, green, pink figures with a text that says Mit dir ist alles besser
German Sympathy card with rainbow, white flower, yellow plant, green, red and yellow figures with a text that says Ich denke an dich
German Birthday card with a yellow sun and blue, pink, red rainbow and a text that says Geburtstagswünsche
German Love card with yellow heart figure, red dots and blue figures with a text that says Ich liebe dich mehr als Worte sagen können
German Housewarming card with colorful plants in flowerpots with a text that says Glückliches neues Zuhause
German Friendship card with yellow sun figure, green and red flower, blue figure and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Love card with yellow sun, blue birds, red flower, green, pink, blue and yellow figures and a text that says Ich liebe uns und unsere gemeinsame Reise
German Greeting card with blue eye, green brow, red lips, yellow hair and a text that says Ich vermisse dein Antlitz
German Greeting card with yellow, red, blue, green, pink figures and a text that says Du bist in meinen Gedanken
German thank you card with red flower, pink sun, green leafs and a text that says Dankeschön
German Birthday card with green, red, yellow, blue figures and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Thank you card with yellow sun, blue stars, crescent moon, green plant and a text that says Ich kann nur sagen: Danke
German Birthday Card with yellow sun, blue bird, green plant, red and blue stars and a text that says Es ist für mich das größte Glück, dich aufwachsen zu sehen. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Love card with blue and red birds, yellow sun, yellow stars and a text that says Das Leben ist schön, ich bin froh, dass ich es mit dir verbringe
German Birthday card with yellow sun, blue bird, green, red, blue figures and a text that says Meinem ewigen Sonnenschein und meiner Muse. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German Love card with yellow leafs, green and red flower and a text that says Mit dieser Karte sollst du dich besonders fühlen
German Goodbye card with yellow sun, red star, green blue and pink figures and a text that says Wo auch immer du hingehst, du wirst alle überstrahlen
German Love card with red sun, green plant, blue, pink and yellow figures and a text that says Danke dass du so bist wie du bist
German Love card with red and green flower, blue, yellow and pink figures with a text that says Gemeinsam haben wir uns diese wunderschöne Welt aufgebaut. Ich liebe dich
German birthday card with yellow sun green bird yellow stars blue figures and a text that says Für die glücklichste Seele, die ich je getroffen habe, Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German birthday card with a yellow sun and green plants and colorful figures and a text that says Hab einen sonnigen Geburtstag
German friendship card with tangled string, heart shape string drawing and a text that says Alles wird gut
German birthday card with a yellow leaf and colorful figures and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Sonnenschein
German birthday card with colorful shapes and figures and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag für dich
German housewarming card with a red house drawing and a green leaf and a text that says Neues Zuhause
German Birthday card with a heart shaped green leaf and a text that says Geburtstagsliebe
German birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a green leaf and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
German friendship card with a red heart drawing and a string in it and a text that says Ich liebe dich
German new baby card with green leaf drawings and a little red leaf with yellow sun and a text that says Deine Familie wächst
German thinking of you card with mountain drawings and a yellow sun and a text that says Ich bin immer bei dir, auch wenn wir weit voneinander entfernt sind
German birthday card with a woman face drawing with lines and a text that says Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Liebling
German birthday card with a green plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Ich bin so froh, dass es dich gibt
German love card with 2 face drawings and red lips kissing with a text that says Wahre Liebe
German friendship card with green leaf and a yellow cat drawing on with a text that says Ich vermisse dich jeden Tag mehr und mehr
German thank you card with yellow and green leaf drawings and a text that says Danke für deine Unterstützung
German thank you card with colorful figures and yellow sun and a text that says Ich könnte das nicht ohne dich tun
German anniversary card with a green plant drawing and a yellow plant drawing and a orange sun figure and a text that says Wir werden uns wieder umarmen